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b l a i r    k a l i v a t i




i believe everyone deserves a nourished mind, body and soul
no matter who they are or where they've come from.

how i can support you

Private Coaching - Support

p r i v a t e   s u p p o r t

private coaching, counselling and low tox mentoring to support you and your journey

tarot cards, oracle cards` and tarot readings

t a r o t

Tarot cards, oracle cards and one on one readings.

blair kalivati rutherglen workshops and events

w o r k s h o p s

Physical workshops that you can attend or online workshops that you can work through at your own pace.

journal entries - blog - blair kalivati holistic coach

j o u r n a l

Recipes, information, resources and more.


s u b s c r i p t i o n s

Meal plans, clean treats, recipes, inspiration and support.

blair kalivati's holistic products and young living products

s h o p

Holistic products, hand made creations and other brands.

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